A little bit of sanchi

Sanchi comes from my surname “Sanchidrián” which is a little village in the province of Ávila in Spain. We Spanish people take our surname from both our mum and our dad, being my full name Laura Sanchidrián Martínez. There are about 250.000 “Lauras” just in Spain and Martínez is the sixth most common surname in Spain with 832.270 people having it, being Sanchidrián a very odd, cool surname, so for that reason when people hear that surname they say: Sanchi, what? So there you go, Sanchi.

To complicate things a little bit more, I got married and my husband’s name is Harry Darwand, so now I am Laura Darwand-Sanchidrián Martínez. You can keep calling me Sanchi.

My dad, my brother and my sister are named Sanchi and we all know that ourselves are “the real one”. I guess the real one is my dad, who by the way is 60 years old and looks 40 because he takes care of himself.

My mama is the best cook in the world, you’ll probably hear every single Spanish person saying this about their own mama, but my one really is.

I studied my degree in Sport Science in one of the most important universities in the country, the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid. I specialised in health. I worked in the industry for six years and when I came to Australia I did my certificates III and IV in fitness to become a certified Personal Trainer in Australia, and I have been working in the industry for a while.

My plans for the near future is keep my studies in Nutrition and Dietetics to complete the knowledge that I already have. My mantra is keep learning to maintain the brain active, and learn something different to give it a stimuli, and my fitness goal is getting to the age of 80 and being able to stand up by myself.


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